sun, birds, river, boobs. I will miss this peaceful place.... from now on, I have one week before leaving to Ecuador. ... I sign up for four week botanico-zoological trip with friends from my university studies. I studied ecological and evolutionary biology, so Ecuador and Galapagos are the dream to visit for every evolutionary biologist. Charles Darwin got inspired right there in Galapagos, where he gave a birth to his famous book 'The Origin of Species ', the base stone for evolutionary theory. EXCITING ! also. I am not sure how good I will be with internet next month - especially in case when I disappear somewhere in amazonian rainforest. I am descending from yurt to tent for at least month ... so to feel secure I wanna try to schedule posts for February in case I will be without internet connection, or get robbed. ... anyway I will try to share my journey with you whenever I will have an internet :) I wanna take a lot of pictures on my way :D (hope you like tent & turtles content 😂 lol) to finish this. I have a question for you :) I have in my phone approximately 10K of photos and videos (not sure how this happened 😶) ... and I was thinking to pull out stuff I just abandoned in my phone some time ago. There is lot of content from bath (for some reason I really enjoyed bath time whenever I was in Porto). Lot of content with puppies I took care of in summer (ehm... I mean. they are just cute and running around while I am sometimes naked) and even more content with my baby bird I was raising in summer (it was full time mom mode trance. and as always. I am usually naked while doing stuff - like feeding a bird... birds and puppies don't care if you are dressed or naked :)) ... Or if you feel like you would like to see more of seksy - cute - sometimes weird yurt and nature shoots? .... let me know! AND MAY YOUR WEEK STARTS GRACEFULLY❣️🤩 Read more